Ioncube Php Encoder Crack

Hp procurve switch configuration. The ionCube PHP Encoder makes it easy to protect PHP 4, 5, 5.3 & 5.4 source code from easy observation, theft and change. PHP licensing features built into the Pro and Cerberus editions also allow licensing PHP scripts to control where PHP code runs, and files can also have a time expiry. Zend Guard vs. IonCube [closed] Ask Question. Zend Guard does not support PHP 7 and bcompiler does not support PHP 7 which limits the choice to ionCube PHP Encoder. The ionCube Standalone PHP Encoder is the leading script protection solution for PHP based software. Launched in 2002, the ionCube Encoder was the first truly affordable, robust and fully featured encoding solution for PHP.

  1. Ioncube Php Encoder 8.0 Crack
  2. Ioncube Encoder
  3. Ioncube Php Encoder Full Crack
Active4 years, 9 months ago

I've developped a php script and I want to protect my files, so what do you think is the best choice for doing this.

  • ionCube starting from 199$
  • Zend Guard 800$

Is there any other cheaper tools or even free ?

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closed as off-topic by Artjom B., Niels Castle, andrewsi, Shoe, nKnDec 10 '14 at 6:43

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5 Answers

No amount of obfuscation will protect your files. If they are sufficiently popular, someone will decode them and distribute the versions that don't need IonCube or Zend to decode.

DRM won't stop piracy, but it will get in the way of your paying customers. You'll limit your potential customer base to those that can run the loaders to decrypt your software, which is a much smaller pool of people than all people with PHP web hosting. You'll also vastly increase your customer support load as you help people install the loaders and troubleshoot why your software won't run.

Most importantly, by creating this extra work and frustration for customers, and by preventing them from customizing their copies of the script, you'll lower their happiness with your product. That will result in less referrals, less positive reviews on blogs and social media, and in the end, less sales for you.

The best thing you can do to protect your files AND your sales is to not use DRM. Protect your business by offering incentives to be a legitimate customer, like technical support, free minor version upgrades, customer only discussion forums, etc. Not only will these make it desirable to purchase the script from you instead of download it from a pirate without those benefits, but it'll make your customers happier and more likely to spread the word, leading to more customers.

Dan GrossmanDan Grossman
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for both zend and ioncube there are services that decode them, but these softwares latest versions are very expensive to decode like 125 euro for 25 files . this is more than the price of script itself .so you don't need to worry much about it and can easily use either zend or ioncube (I use ioncube).

@dan : I had a script that I was giving free support for life with a very low price and with a lot of features,guess what? somebody stole the code and they spread it all over the internet after that all my customers started calling me about it,kinda were upset that they paid,even though they were getting support.. long story short .. trust me encoding your script and forcing people to certain hosts is way way better than your script being shared on internet for free by some dorks.and about not loading on their hosts,I have made a file that test either ioncube is installed on the server or not,and I give this file to them before they buy my script to test it on their server.


you should encode a part of script, for example core controller can be encoded and leaving the view files this will allow your customers to make minor changes by themselves


Ioncube Php Encoder 8.0 Crack

6791 gold badge13 silver badges26 bronze badges
  1. It should be possible to properly encode your php & js files, by having all the symbols converted to nonsense symbols, by removing all comments, and by changing filenames. I don't believe that the encryption software in this area is measured by it's cryptographical properties, but rather by it's deployment properties (i.e. 1-click deployment etc.)

  2. This is something that almost all serious internet companies do. Try 'View Source' in GMAIL, and tell me if something there is readable to you.

  3. @Dan: There are a lot of models to make money, the 'software-support' model is only one of them. For example, I would like to set up an internet company, and I don't like the thought that the hosting company can look and copy my source code.

Nir O.Nir O.
9281 gold badge13 silver badges23 bronze badges

bcompiler extension is what will help you to encode/decode php files for free, however you'll have to take care of protection/license limitations scheme yourself.


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Active6 years, 3 months ago

Ioncube Encoder

I'm a php developer and currently searching for software to protect php code. I know there exist obfuscators and encoders (and both). but it seems that it's possible to 'decrypt' code encoded with some software.

So my question is. if it is possible to decrypt source code produced by major software companies (zend, ioncube, sourceguardian). why that produts are still on market?

Why these software continues to sell if anyone can (pay to) decrypt everything in seconds?

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Btw, i asked this on ioncube forum and my message was. deleted.


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closed as not constructive by Jim Lewis, Marcel Korpel, Jonathan Kuhn, likeitlikeit, Jens EratMay 22 '13 at 0:11

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1 Answer

The answer simply reduces to: because there are dumbasses stupid enough to believe that PHP can be 'securely encoded', the same way there are people stupid enough to believe that requiring a serial code for an application automatically makes it secure.

ionCube relies on a pretty simplistic implementation - XOR from start to finish, which is hardly a 'security measure'. It runs as a VM - and is vulnerable to all VM side-channel attacks in addition to flat-out reverse engineering (one presentation here: ). Will ionCube say so? No. Why? Because it dissuades the large majority of script kiddies.


I am not familiar with sourceguardian, but Zend is built in the same fashion, albeit a bit more secure and harder to beat than ionCube. However, whilst they're not trivial, they're not impossible to beat, either.

The following is taken from the Zend Guard page:

Encoding is a process where the PHP source code is converted to an intermediate machine readable format. This format is hard for humans to read and convert back to source code. As a result it protects your code from casual browsing. This means that if people obtain access to your site's code they will not be able to use that for unintended purposes.

In other words, if your user is not casually browsing, this will not hold up. I don't know about you, but I do not know a single non-dev who casually browses source code without the purpose of understanding it, and often, breaking it.

The same thing is true of every single DRM method around. However, they're still on the market. Why? Because, whilst they are not perfect, they're good enough to dissuade the large majority of people.

The law and final word of this is: if you build it, expect it to be broken and plan for it.

Sébastien RenauldSébastien Renauld
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Ioncube Php Encoder Full Crack

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