Rexx Tool To Check Coding Standards For Php

  1. Rexx Tool To Check Coding Standards For Php Agency
  2. Rexx Tool To Check Coding Standards For Phpmyadmin
  3. Coding Standards For Php

Rexx Tool To Check Coding Standards Delphi. Is following the set of coding standards set prior. REXX /*REXX program computes the CRC. Pascal PHP Python SQL. Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:59 pm Post subject: Reply to: Rexx tool for cobol code standard checking Hi, Actually i want to invoke the rexx code during edit mode in the command line and that would create the indentation required in the cobol program. I have developed a rexx tool for implementing coding standards for cobol programs for my client. Now I am converting it into a generic tool so as to cater the needs of any cobol programmer. I need help from companies/firms to test and promote the tool. MINE tool Resources The fine manuals Enterprise COBOL for z/OS TSO/E and REXX Hercules and MVS. COBOL Code Tagger in Rexx Q. What is the role of Modification Tags.

Active4 years, 11 months ago

I'm trying to find a tool to check for coding style in python.

For PHP I've seen there is the Code Sniffer, and a small perl script used by Drupal. Is there such a tool for python code?

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closed as off-topic by Kevin Brown, Rizier123, gunr2171, ProgramFOX, durron597Jun 12 '15 at 14:41

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4 Answers

In the past I've mainly use PyLint - it can highlight when you used an undefined variable, when you import things without using them and so on.

It can be a bit verbose, complaining about things like lines being over 80 character long, variable not matching to specific regex's, classes having too few public methods, methods missing docs-trings.

For example, for script.

PyLint generates the following messages:

They are all valid complaints, but I tend to disable a lot of the convention and refactoring messages. You can disable specific messages, either as comments in your code:

.or as command line arguments to the PyLint command:

With the above messages disabled, it generates the following messages for the above code:

PyLint also generates a 'code report', including how many lines of code/comments/docstring/whitespace the file has, number of messages per-category, and gives your code a 'score' - 10 being no messages, 0 generally being a syntax error

Another option is PyFlakes, which I find a little less excessively-verbose (I've recently started using it in place of PyLint). Again using the above script, PyFlakes gives the following messages:

The final option I use is, which as the name suggests enforces PEP8. It is by far the most. pedantic script, enforcing things like correct blank-lines before/after functions/classes, spacing around code, correct 4-space indentation and so on.

Running on the code above, it produces the following:

It is mostly enforces stylistic things like correct whitespace, it does not do much static-analysis of the code like PyLint or PyFlakes, so I use in conjunction with either PyLint or PyFlakes. was originally announced on the python mailing list here, but the download link in this is now dead. There's a github mirror by cburroughs, with a few minor fixes at, or you can grab the unmodified version from an older revision

Rexx Tool To Check Coding Standards For Php Agency

PyChecker is another option, although I haven't use it

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pylint and pyflakes would be a good start.

pylint in particular is very configurable, and you can enforce quite a few things with it.

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David CournapeauDavid Cournapeau
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Found this stackoverflow question while searching for a pep8 style enforcement tool when taking over an existing (legacy) project.

will automagically convert all the source code to confirm with pep8. Tried it on my legacy project and it works great. So I thought I would update this answer here in SO.

Calvin ChengCalvin Cheng
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Rexx Tool To Check Coding Standards For Phpmyadmin

Theres a script called thats sometimes included in your system's python distribution which will go through and re-indent all your code to the recommended 4 spaces indenting.

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Heres a copy of it in case you can't find it in your distribution:

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Coding Standards For Php

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