Rest Download File Php Example Function

  1. Download File Php Example
  2. Rest Download File Php Example Function In C++
  3. Function Use Php
  4. Php String Functions With Examples
  5. Php File Download Example

PHP RESTful Web Service. Used to do the URL mapping between the request and the real file. In this example, we are using two URIs. PHP RESTful Web Service. Creating a simple REST API in PHP I’m the author of php-crud-api and I want to share the core of the application with you. It includes routing a JSON REST request, converting it into SQL, executing it and giving a meaningful response. The optional parameter flags can be one, or more, of the following constants: FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH Search for the file in the include_path. FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES Omit newline at the end of each array element. This function is similar to file(), except that file_get_contents() returns the file in a string, starting at the specified offset up to maxlen bytes. On failure, file_get_contents() will return FALSE.

This article describes how to deploy your function app project files to Azure from a .zip (compressed) file. You learn how to do a push deployment, both by using Azure CLI and by using the REST APIs. Azure Functions Core Tools also uses these deployment APIs when publishing a local project to Azure.


Azure Functions has the full range of continuous deployment and integration options that are provided by Azure App Service. For more information, see Continuous deployment for Azure Functions.

To speed development, you may find it easier to deploy your function app project files directly from a .zip file. The .zip deployment API takes the contents of a .zip file and extracts the contents into the wwwroot folder of your function app. This .zip file deployment uses the same Kudu service that powers continuous integration-based deployments, including:

  • Deletion of files that were left over from earlier deployments.
  • Deployment customization, including running deployment scripts.
  • Deployment logs.
  • Syncing function triggers in a Consumption plan function app.

For more information, see the .zip deployment reference.

Deployment .zip file requirements

The .zip file that you use for push deployment must contain all of the files needed to run your function.


Download File Php Example

When you use .zip deployment, any files from an existing deployment that aren't found in the .zip file are deleted from your function app.

The code for all the functions in a specific function app is located in a root project folder that contains a host configuration file and one or more subfolders. Each subfolder contains the code for a separate function. The folder structure is shown in the following representation:

In version 2.x of the Functions runtime, all functions in the function app must share the same language stack.

The host.json file contains runtime-specific configurations and is in the root folder of the function app. A bin folder contains packages and other library files that the function app requires. See the language-specific requirements for a function app project:

A function app includes all of the files and folders in the wwwroot directory. A .zip file deployment includes the contents of the wwwroot directory, but not the directory itself. When deploying a C# class library project, you must include the compiled library files and dependencies in a bin subfolder in your .zip package.

Download your function app files

When you are developing on a local computer, it's easy to create a .zip file of the function app project folder on your development computer.

However, you might have created your functions by using the editor in the Azure portal. You can download an existing function app project in one of these ways:

  • From the Azure portal:

    1. Sign in to the Azure portal, and then go to your function app.

    2. On the Overview tab, select Download app content. Select your download options, and then select Download.

      The downloaded .zip file is in the correct format to be republished to your function app by using .zip push deployment. The portal download can also add the files needed to open your function app directly in Visual Studio.

  • Using REST APIs:

    Use the following deployment GET API to download the files from your <function_app> project:

    Including /site/wwwroot/ makes sure your zip file includes only the function app project files and not the entire site. If you are not already signed in to Azure, you will be asked to do so.

You can also download a .zip file from a GitHub repository. When you download a GitHub repository as a .zip file, GitHub adds an extra folder level for the branch. This extra folder level means that you can't deploy the .zip file directly as you downloaded it from GitHub. If you're using a GitHub repository to maintain your function app, you should use continuous integration to deploy your app.

Deploy by using Azure CLI

You can use Azure CLI to trigger a push deployment. Push deploy a .zip file to your function app by using the az functionapp deployment source config-zip command. To use this command, you must use Azure CLI version 2.0.21 or later. To see what Azure CLI version you are using, use the az --version command.

In the following command, replace the <zip_file_path> placeholder with the path to the location of your .zip file. Also, replace <app_name> with the unique name of your function app.

This command deploys project files from the downloaded .zip file to your function app in Azure. It then restarts the app. To view the list of deployments for this function app, you must use the REST APIs.

When you're using Azure CLI on your local computer, <zip_file_path> is the path to the .zip file on your computer. You can also run Azure CLI in Azure Cloud Shell. When you use Cloud Shell, you must first upload your deployment .zip file to the Azure Files account that's associated with your Cloud Shell. In that case, <zip_file_path> is the storage location that your Cloud Shell account uses. For more information, see Persist files in Azure Cloud Shell.

Deploy ZIP file with REST APIs

You can use the deployment service REST APIs to deploy the .zip file to your app in Azure. To deploy, send a POST request to https://<app_name> The POST request must contain the .zip file in the message body. The deployment credentials for your app are provided in the request by using HTTP BASIC authentication. For more information, see the .zip push deployment reference.

For the HTTP BASIC authentication, you need your App Service deployment credentials. Driver controlador de rede windows 7 64 bits hp. To see how to set your deployment credentials, see Set and reset user-level credentials.

With cURL

The following example uses the cURL tool to deploy a .zip file. Replace the placeholders <username>, <password>, <zip_file_path>, and <app_name>. When prompted by cURL, type in the password.

This request triggers push deployment from the uploaded .zip file. You can review the current and past deployments by using the https://<app_name> endpoint, as shown in the following cURL example. Again, replace <app_name> with the name of your app and <deployment_user> with the username of your deployment credentials.

With PowerShell

Rest Download File Php Example Function In C++

The following example uses Publish-AzWebapp upload the .zip file. Replace the placeholders <group-name>, <app-name>, and <zip-file-path>.

This request triggers push deployment from the uploaded .zip file.

To review the current and past deployments, run the following commands. Again, replace the <deployment-user>, <deployment-password>, and <app-name> placeholders.

Run functions from the deployment package

You can also choose to run your functions directly from the deployment package file. This method skips the deployment step of copying files from the package to the wwwroot directory of your function app. Instead, the package file is mounted by the Functions runtime, and the contents of the wwwroot directory become read-only.

Zip deployment integrates with this feature, which you can enable by setting the function app setting WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE to a value of 1. For more information, see Run your functions from a deployment package file.

Deployment customization

The deployment process assumes that the .zip file that you push contains a ready-to-run app. By default, no customizations are run. To enable the same build processes that you get with continuous integration, add the following to your application settings:

Function Use Php

When you use .zip push deployment, this setting is false by default. The default is true for continuous integration deployments. When set to true, your deployment-related settings are used during deployment. You can configure these settings either as app settings or in a .deployment configuration file that's located in the root of your .zip file. For more information, see Repository and deployment-related settings in the deployment reference.

Php String Functions With Examples

Next steps

Php File Download Example

if you need to limit download rate, use this code
= '';
$download_file = '';
// set the download rate limit (=> 20,5 kb/s)
$download_rate = 20.5;
file_exists($local_file) && is_file($local_file))
header('Cache-control: private');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($local_file));
header('Content-Disposition: filename='.$download_file);
$file = fopen($local_file, 'r');
// send the current file part to the browser
print fread($file, round($download_rate * 1024));
// flush the content to the browser
// sleep one second
else {
'Error: The file '.$local_file.' does not exist!');