Install Mysql Module Php Windows 8

Install and Configure MySQL for PHP Applications on IIS 7.; 5 minutes to read. Install MySQL Server on Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2. There are different methods to install MySQL on Microsoft Windows. For more information, see Section, “Starting MySQL as a Windows Service. How to install XAMPP in order to set up an offline development environment with Apache and MySQL running locally on Windows. Windows 5.6.x includes PHP version 5. After installing PHP and a web server on Windows, you will probably want to install some extensions for added functionality. You can choose which extensions you would like to load when PHP starts by modifying your php.ini. You can also load a module dynamically in your script using dl. Posted in Tutorials. This tutorial will show you how to install MySQL database on a local Windows 8 environment. For web developers who want to setup a development environment on their local Windows 8 machine for developing web apps in WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, PHP, Ruby on Rails, or other, it sometimes helps to also install a MySQL database on their local machine.


Active6 years ago

I'm having trouble with Apache/PHP on Windows 8. I have previously been using them on XP (along with MySQL) with no problems. I never used Windows 7.

Apache installs without issues. Everything works OK, including all my virtual servers.PHP installs OK, the installation puts entries into httpd.conf without giving errors.However, when I try to load Apache after installing PHP, Apache won't load.

I'm confused by the error that Apache returns when the PHP entries are included in httpd.conf:

The lines are: Install print head canon mp610 troubleshooting air.

(line 1029 is the LoadModule line).That location for the dll is definitely correct. The syntax of the line is as inserted by PHP. I have compared the syntax to previous versions of httpd.conf that I have and it appears correct. I think the syntax error is a red herring.

I have tried:

  • Switching backslashes to slashes in the dll location.
  • Adding PHP to the path.
  • Installing Apache and PHP in both sequences.
  • Checking the permissions to the PHP folder and the individual filesto ensure that SYSTEM has read/execute.

Comment out the PHP lines and Apache loads fine. If I comment out the LoadModule line and and just leave the PHPIniDir line, it still fails. Apache seems to be behaving as though it can't see the PHP directory, but I can't work out why.

There is nothing on the Windows event log. Latest versions of PHP and Apache. I'm at a bit of a loss what to try next. Any suggestions please?

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Simon RobertsSimon Roberts
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5 Answers

Download and follow instructions from this link:

The latest download (2.4) works on Windows 8 and Server 2012.

I downloaded and tested with the following on Windows 8:Each zip has a readme.txt or install.txt with instructions.

  • Apache 2.4

  • PHP 5.4.8

  • PHP 5.4.8 handler for Apache

My httpd.conf lines that were added/modified were:


Its mentioned in the Readme.txt file packed with the dll's at ApacheLounge, but not anywhere else on the download page or in the filename (as all other versions):

'Runs with PHP 5.4 Thread Safe (TS), and only with Apache 2.4 Win32 VC9 or VC10'

The dlls are only for the TS version, so if you've downloaded the other one, you are basically screwed. TS php binaries fixed it for me.



Presuming this is your development, not deployment environment, why don't you just download xampp from apache friends? It should come preconfigured, and you will deploy in other setup anyway.


Install Mysql On Windows 10

I ran into the similar issue when reinstalling Apache and PHP on Win 8 (I am more Linux user though). And similar to the original post, no matter what I tried to do in httpd.conf and php.ini Apache simply either did not start or did not see the PHP. After spending unreasonable amount of time, I decided to download the PHP 5.3 (5.3.27)-VC9 x86 Thread Safe (2013-Jul-10 21:56:58) Installer [45.86MB] instead of the non-tread safe version which I have been using before. There is a difference in the .msi installers. The one for the thread-safe version actually contains the required files and if you follow the installer prompts it will actually asks you if the php installation should be 'linked' to Apache server. Then you just provide the hhtpd.conf directory and all works fine. Thats my 2c on this :)

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I think the problem is in the blank 'Program Files'.


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Active10 years, 11 months ago

I've updated php.ini and moved php_mysql.dll as explained in steps 6 and 8 here.

I get this error…

MySQL doesn't show up in my phpinfo; report.

I've updated the c:Windowsphp.ini file from


Result: no change.

I changed the php.ini value of extension_dir thusly:

Result: much more in the phpinfo; report, but MySQL still isn't working.

I copied the file libmysql.dll from folder C:php to folders C:WindowsSystem32 and C:Windows

Result: no change.

I stopped and restarted IIS.

Result: new, different errors instead!

I found several .php files in the website where I had to set variables:

Result: The site works!

Zack PetersonZack Peterson
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4 Answers

As the others say these two values in php.ini are crucial.

I have the following in my php.ini: note the trailing slash - not sure if it is needed - but it does work.

Also it is worth ensuring that you only have one copy of php.ini on your machine - I've had problems with this where I've been editting a php.ini file which php isn't using and getting very frustrated until I realised.

Also if php is running as a module within apache you will need to restart the apache server to pickup the changes. Wise to do this in anycase if you're not sure.

a 'php -m' from the cmd prompt will show you the modules that are loaded from the ini file.

Richard HarrisonRichard Harrison
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In the php.ini file, check if the extention path configuration is valid.

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You will need to enable the extension=php_mysql.dll option in the php.ini as well. Also, make sure that the file is in the extension_dir you set.

You can read more about it at:

Harrison FiskHarrison Fisk
6,3803 gold badges20 silver badges14 bronze badges

On a completely different note, might I suggest WampServer? It should get you up and running with a Apache/PHP/MySQL install in no time.

You could even compare the WampServer config files with your own to see where you originally went wrong.


Download Mysql Windows 10

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Php Windows Installer

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