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EasyPHP free download. Get the latest version now. EasyPHP is a WAMP package including the server-side scripting language PHP. Activate cURL with EasyPHP. Well, you have to check if the extension gets loaded. I'm using EasyPHP 16.1 (PHP 5.6.19 x86, Apache 2.4.18 x86). Download 4.8.3 Try demo Donate About Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc) can be performed via the user interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement. Pywin32 210 (py 2.4) - Pywin32 210 (py 2.5) - Qdacco 0.6 - Qpad 7. Users interested in Php 5.3 app generally download: PHP Free. EasyPHP is a portable server application, that automatically installs Apache, PHP, Mysql and PhpMyAdmin in just few. Download EasyPHP free. EasyPHP is a WAMP package including the server-side scripting language PHP. EasyPHP 5.3.9 By Easyphp. License: Freeware Category: Web Design & Development. Download Latest Version (0 bytes) Review; Technical; Ratings; Publisher's description. SoftChamp is a portal created with much thought of the user. It is devoted to valuable superior software that are mostly used and can make the user experience.

EASYPHP - PHP 5.3.8 VC9 - Apache 2.2.21 VC9 - Mysql 5.5.16 - PhpMyAdmin 3.4.5 - Xdebug 2.1.2 PHP 5.3.8 fixes two issues introduced in the PHP 5.3.7 release: * Fixed bug #55439 (crypt() returns only the salt for MD5) * Reverted a change in timeout handling restoring PHP 5.3.6 behavior, which caused mysqlnd SSL connections to hang (Bug #55283). ** Features ** - avalaible server port automatically detected (no more port conflict) - administration page : > apache configuration manager (timezone, port) > php configuration manager (max execution time, error reporting, upload max filesize) > create/delete alias > add/list modules (wordpress, drupal, joomla, prestashop, spip, webgrind, xdebug manager..) > phpinfo > extensions > mysql manager : phpmyadmin ** Install ** - For administrators, EasyPHP is installed in 'Program Files' - For non-elevated users, EasyPHP is 'My Documents' - Or, on an USB key, external drive, memory stick… ** Apache Conf. ** - Since, 'localhost' is not used anymore. '' is used instead (Windows Vista/Seven hosts file permission problem)
Active4 months ago

I'm trying to locate php_intl.dll and install it.

Does anyone have any tips?

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19 Answers

The packages at all contain the php_intl.dll which is located in the subdir ext/.
All you have to do is to check if your extension_dir points to the right directory and add (or uncomment) the extension=php_intl.dll directive.

Rohit Suthar
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For the php_intl.dll extension to work correctly, you need to have the following files in a folder in your PATH:

  • icudt36.dll
  • icuin36.dll
  • icuio36.dll
  • icule36.dll
  • iculx36.dll
  • icutu36.dll
  • icuuc36.dll

By default they're sitting in your PHP directory, but that directory isn't necessarily in your PATH (it wasn't for me, using xampp)

This has to be in your global path, not just your user's path. To set the global path, go to system info (windows key + PAUSE), then Advanced System Settings (Vista+) or Advanced (XP) and click the 'Environment Variables' button and add the appropriate directory to the PATH variable in the System Variables list.

TutorialGottlieb Notschnabel
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Jeremy WarneJeremy Warne
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I have XAMPP 1.8.3-0 and PHP 5.5.0 installed.

1) edit php.ini:



Note: After modification, need to save the file(php.ini) as well as need to restart the Apache Server.

2) Simply copy all icu* * * *.dll files:





Then intl extension works!!!


Had the same issue .. I found the files needed by searching my drive for icu**.dll and found the ones listed above but with 46 instead of 36 in the php folder. I copy pasted them to the apache/bin file and tried starting apache and it finally started. On the Server Checks page it has now changed from Yellow Check to Green OK. Hope this helps.


If you read error message, 'icuuc36.dll' is missing.The problem is that you don't have the PHP dir in your PATH, or you can copy all 'intl' files from php directory to apachebin directory.They are :icudt36.dllicuin36.dllicuio36.dllicule36.dlliculx36.dllicutu36.dllicuuc36.dll

Max GebertMax Gebert

For WampServer 2.5 (Apache 2.4.9 and PHP 5.5.12):

In default I've had php_intlenabled (you can enable it when you left click on the wamp icon in the system tray > PHP > PHP extensions and check if is it marked)

To have it properly working, I've had to copy:


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(total 8 files)


Download Easyphp 5 3 210


Then just restart the wamp and everything was just fine.


I have PHP 5.3.1 and Apache

When I add the extension=php_intl.dll to php.ini and restart apache, it comes an alert that says 'the requested operation has failed'

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And this error on Event Monitor:

The problem was some DLLs like icudt36.dll were missing (noticed with sysinternals ProcMon), I've downloaded php 5.3.1 zip version and extract all DLL's to PHP folder. That solved the problem.

Suraj Rao
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I resolved this issue by adding PHP directory to PATH variable.I just appended ;C:xamppphp to Path variable in Windows Environment Variables.

Mehdi KaramoslyMehdi Karamosly
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I have IIS 7 and installed PHP using Microsoft Web Platform Installer on Windows 7. In IIS, go to PHP Manager in settings main page -> PHP Extensions -> Enable or Disable an Extension.Intl extension is disabled by default.

I hope this helps

Johan MarchanJohan Marchan

If you have the msvcp110.dll missing file error. You have to download the right .dll or just go here and install the vcredist_x64.exe and vcredist_x86.exe, it worked for me.


When I faced this issue it was sorted out by using below mentioned steps:

Edit php.ini:



extension=php_intl.dll Simply copy all icu* * * *.dll files(any icu file with dll extension) from

C:xamppphp to C:xamppapachebin

Also If you have the msvcp110.dll missing file error. You have to download the right .dll or just go here and install the vcredist_x64.exe and vcredist_x86.exe.

Now the intl extension should work :-)

Bhupesh KathuriaBhupesh Kathuria

/Digger here/

Moving the icu*****.dll files to /ext/ seems to resolve the issue as well.

( If you specified the extension directory to be there of course )

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In my xampp control panel, Click config to open php.ini

remove ; in


Then restart the apache.


There is a better way of doing this.

I was having same kind of problem with ldap, intl, curl php extensions. I've solved those issues by the following ways:

At first you've to check whether these extensions have been enabled in the php.ini file by removing semicolon (;) in front of the following lines:

Now you can directly load those necessary dll files (ie libeay32, libssh2, ssleay32, icu**.dll ) from your httpd.conf (apache configuratio file) file. You don't have to do any other things like copying them to the apache's bin directory or php's ext directory. Just add them directly in you apache's httpd.conf file.

Please note that the followng example is for php version 5.5.x.

That's it. Now, restart your apache or wamp and you're good to go.


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  1. Under php extensions in your wampserver, ensure intl is checked
  2. check your extension_dir in your php/v7.0/php file ensure the directory is not commented and it is accurate
  3. (Dont know if this contributed but i did all three)In your extension list in the same file as 2 above, include the intl file in the same format as the rest(if it is not included).All the best

I was having trouble getting intl to run using PHP 7.1.7 and PhpStorm on Windows 10. Based on other answers here I could tell it was a PATH/DLL dependency problem but I couldn't seem to find all of the required files even after (re-)installing the Visual C++ Redistributable.

I eventually went searching my C: drive for vcr*.dll and found a copy of vcruntime140.dll in my C:Program FilesMozilla Firefox directory. So, in addition to making these changes to php.ini:

I also set my runtime PATH to ONLY the PHP directory (in my case, C:Program FilesPHP7.1.7) and the Firefox directory (above) and it FINALLY worked! I know it needs more than just the vcruntime140.dll but the other required DLLs must be in the FF directory too (there are a few dozen but I didn't bother to figure out which ones are essential).

Andrew M. Andrews IIIAndrew M. Andrews III

In my case adding PHP directory to PATH in user environment didn't work. After some testing I've found that it should be added to system PATH (I don't know what's the name of this part of system setting windows, 'couse I have Polish Windows).

Jarosław WasilewskiJarosław Wasilewski

You can type this command in terminal: sudo apt-get install php-intl

Sara VaseeiSara Vaseei

The package is already included in the extensions for PHP 7.2 and above and you just need to uncomment the following line in php.ini

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